This is a server for learning Traditional Chinese (also known as "Huayu" or "Taiwanese Mandarin") and English language or English literature. We are committed to recruiting individuals who are interested in Huayu and everything related to English.
It doesn't matter whether you can only understand English or Traditional Chinese, but please note that Simplified Chinese, Taigi, Cantonese, etc., aren't recommended on the server.
- Where else is Traditional Chinese used besides Taiwan?
Traditional Chinese mainly used by people who were from Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macau, etc., and some overseas Chinese who had immigrated earlier in the Ming (1368-1644) and Qing (1639-1912) Dynasties might use Traditional Chinese as well. There are only a few differences among Traditional Chinese, Japanese old Kanji (戦前の旧字体), Korean Hanja (한자), etc.